Fixing stuff, myself included…
Hooray Whorah
Yes it’s almost over; my advisor sent an email saying the thesis is ready for the two other readers! THANK GOD. When it’s actually getting published, I’ll put it up on Mentalrollerderby.
What the hell is mentalrollerderby?
My site on lucid dreaming, which I put up in 98, so I could get rich selling books through Amazon. NOT. Oh well, I suppose I’ll never be rich, although I would highly recommend it to those of you who can afford it.
Afford it?
That’s an old Mr. Potatoehead saying. He told me, “if life is expendable then you can’t afford to miss out.”
Miss out on what?
Anything you put your mind to. As in mind your own business. I used to have my own business, but it went under due to computers of all things! Between 1990 and 95′ I ran a small screen printing shop, which catered to the exhibit industry. When it became obvious that I couldn’t continue to make a living running the shop, I went back to school. Now you’d think at my age that I’d know what I wanted to be when I grow up. NOT And you would also think, I’d have enough sense to know I can’t make a living being an artist. NOT I’m going to start my painting of the red pepper today.
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.”
–Albert Einstein