Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Blog Sisters

I’ve added Blog Sisters to the permanent links on the side bar. It’s a pretty amazing place, where women “talk” with women of all ages about issues ranging from individual concerns to global problems and possible solutions. Sometimes they’re hilarious, and sometimes they’re dead serious. They are always “in your face”, and they don’t hesitate to shout out about what’s going on, and what to do about what’s going on. Now that my thesis is mostly behind me, I plan on being a more frequent contributor to the ongoing dialogue/discussions. Check them out; if you’re a “sister” maybe you’d like to blog there.

I’m also adding a group called the Baltimore Blogger to the side. These are folks in my city who blog; I haven’t yet met them in person, but this too figures in my plans.

What happened with the red pepper painting?

I got side tracked with various organizational [crapola] yesterday, but it’s on schedule for today. I’ll post a link to it when I finish it. Here’s a link to one of the paintings I did last summer.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”