Fixing stuff, myself included…
Where the Heart is
What exactly makes your heart swell and you eyes spill over with tears of joy? Sometimes I think I know. Sometimes it’s a dream. I can tell you where it’s not. The Preakness, although I’m sorry that it’s raining for those folks who dream of horse racing. The Inner Harbor, while it’s a lovely place, it’s not the “real Baltimore”. It’s no accident the TV series Homicide was set in Baltimore, although that’s another story. I like Baltimore for the small town community atmosphere, within a big city environment (crime statistics not included).
So where’s your heart?
I’m getting to that, and I’m getting to that because of an inspiring post titled “Sweet World” by Jeneane Sessum. She said, “Everywhere there are people with hearts open.”
What does that mean to you?
It’s a place within each of us. If the whole world lived in a place such as this. The vulnerability would overpower the aggression and peace would take her rightful place on center stage.
That’s quite a mouthful.
I know, and for once I don’t have my foot in it! It’s the vulnerability one experiences when allowing one’s self to fall in love no matter what the consequences. Perhaps, we don’t allow ourselves to fall in love; it just happens, and we are powerless to prevent the vulnerable state we find ourselves in. Power and vulnerablility are odd companions; unwilling bedfellows sharing the same pillow. Bedfellows, now that’s an odd combination as well; are they gay?
Of course they’re not gay!
Okay then, I’m getting off topic here.
Getting off on, or from what?
Having an open heart, and the vulnerability, that openness per se entails is a key element in being alive. So I guess I’m saying it’s dead people who are antagonistic, or more precisely, it’s frightened people who cause the boat to rock in such a way that we may all be capsized at any moment.
I’m not sure I’m following you.
My heart is not always available to me. Sometimes I don’t know where my heart is. What does that mean? It means that openness or joy come unexpectedly, and if I embrace that openness as she passes by, I am capable of going along and experiencing a better world. Openness invites openness in others. So when I catch a glimpse of her in me or you I hold on for dear life. This is a place where solitude is shared; however, odd that may be.
“Children love to be alone because alone is where they know themselves, and where they dream.”
–Roger Rosenblatt