Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

True Confessions

Okay I confess, even though horse racing is not where my heart is, I did end up watching the Preakness at PJ’s Pub. The sun managed to break through the clouds at the last the gasp. War something, or other won. What kind of name is that? Anyway the guy next to me and I were screaming for War something or other, because since Seattle Slew died (May 7, 2002) there’s no triple crown winner living. Well after finding the link for Seattle Slew I now know the name is War Emblem.

Why are you telling us this; we read the news?

Because, I want to tell you a story from when I was a little kid.

My friend Trish and I, (prior post on Trish and little kid stuff with dogs) would walk home from elementary school with “stray” dogs we found at school. We were supposed to ride the bus home, because, not only was it 3 miles home, part of the way was along a highway (it’s the fifties so it was only a two lane highway). I was probably 8 or 9 and didn’t have a dog, and desperately wanted one. At the time I had a cat named Buttons, who was an unaltered male cat. Buttons wanted nothing to do with me; his sole occupation, besides working at the KittyKat Super Market, was sniffing out where the female cats in heat were hiding. Mostly I think they were hiding in the meat packing room at the KittyKat Super Market, but Buttons was so busy at work; he didn’t have time to think along those lines. He was mainly in charge of the produce section and had little contact with the meat department folks. Anyway this was long before I realized I was a cat person, rather than a dog person, if you know what I mean. So, on one of these long walks home dragging someone’s poor dog behind us, we decided to take a short cut across a farm, which would cut off probably a mile, from what seemed at the time a very long journey. While crossing the farm we encounter a huge black horse, wandering aimlessly about. Being astute little kids, and “girls who by their very nature” love horses, we made friends with the horse. We patted her and prodded her along up toward the farm house, where we knocked loudly on the front door, and asked in our most respectful voices if we could have jobs on the farm.

When I think back on this I’m astounded that we did what we did. Those were the times, when being naive and innocent could get you a very long way if you didn’t get into trouble. We never got into trouble; we got a very long way indeed. To be continued…

I finished my red pepper painting today, and I’ll take some pictures of it tomorrow, when I have access to my Dad’s digital camera. I feel pretty pleased with the painting, although when I first started it I felt like, “OMG! have I forgotten how to paint?” I’ll try to finish up on this horse/dog story tomorrow.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”