Fixing stuff, myself included…
Elliott Rules
Elliott rules?
Yes, that’s my cat Elliott, who’s taken over the controls. Do not attempt to adjust your monitor, or try distract him with your mouse. He’s here to tell you about another project.
What project?
If you are among the fortunate few owned by your cat, you are hereby ordered to go participate in the Cat Bloggers Project. Furthermore, you will refrain from all things not cat related, or else you will visited by the kittykat police.
My goodness your cat is so bossy. What else does he want me to do?
He strongly suggests that you visit the new blog luf, where Leah and Judean exchange/rearrange ideas about luf, life, friendship and art.
Will we be seeing more of Elliott?
He’s trying to convince me he should run an advice column here on Thursdays. He does seems to have a firm grip on mouse technology, Jungian shadow chasing, the psychology cattiness, and he has catty-cornered the market on catophobia.