Fixing stuff, myself included…
Summer Moon
The summer solstice is June 21st.
It’s a day of magic and ritual, and right now it’s lightening outside like crazy, so I’ll have to get back to you on this. Oh hell with it anyway, I just hope it’s not raining in the kitchen! NOT there it goes again; better sign off for now.
Well, the thunder and lightening are farther off now, and we’re twenty minutes closer to the solstice. The longest day, one thing that means is that the long shadows will be much later in the evening. That special light that I love to paint will be later in the day. The solstice means new beginnings and wondrous mystery.
Do you really believe all that stuff on the link?
No, but I do believe there are times for rituals, and the rituals impart the meaning and mystery of the unconscious to the conscious. Rituals enable us to glimpse what is behind the vale if only for a moment. We find ourselves awake and aware that we are awake, in other words conscious of being conscious. It’s like becoming lucid in a dream; only this time it’s becoming lucid in waking life. I’m not trotting out that stuff about “life is a dream/illusion”, although the waking up bit does have that flavor. A heightened sense of awareness (self-awareness) is the key concept, because one must first be aware of oneself, before one can appreciate the value of another awareness.
Where are you going with this?
Once I felt I was the moon, and the moon was me, and it was visual as well as mental. It was along time ago, and I was practicing an eye focus technique from one of Carlos Castenada’s Don Jaun books. If you’ve ever seen those Third Eye books, that’s the kind of letting your eyes change focus I’m referring to. So there I am lying in bed, my head pointing towards the north, and I can see the full moon outside my window. Once my eyes had focused on the moon so that I was seeing two moons, I tried to focus on a spot between the two moons. At that moment the moon and I were one. I was terribly aware of myself and not, and at the same time aware of the moon, and not.
Why are you telling us this?
Because it has to do with the moon, rituals, and magic and I think on the summer solstice we should all perform a little magic.