Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Tuesday Too # 14

Tuesday Too1.) What’s the best thing you did over the holiday weekend?

Very traditional Memorial day picknic yesterday complete with grill and family members. On Sunday I had a friend over for brunch and on Saturday night I had several friends over for cocktails. All in all I had a great weekend so I find it hard to choose.

2.) Who would you want to spend the afternoon/evening with getting the answers to all your questions? What do you really want to know from this person/animal?

My painting instructor would be my person to spend the day with. I have many questions about color, and combinations of color.

3.) Why do you think “there must be more to life than having everything“?

Having everything would be a good place to start, although they say the lottery winners invariably go down the tubes. What is there to want that’s not included in everything. It’s the thing word. People are not things, however much they act as if they were, and you can’t have them really, but you can relate to them. So I would have to say, relationships are the more that make the recipe exquisite. That’s what the “crazy” little dog Jenny found out too.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”