Fixing stuff, myself included…
Broken Toe
No, that is not the name of an Indian chief. It’s what happened to my foot, and no, it had nothing to with my mouth this time.
What happened?
Night before last, my friend Abbott stepped on it. It was a hammer toe to begin with; so it was already quite misshapen. No, I do not wear spike heels with pointy toes. Anyway, so now the toe is purple and swollen. While I have a predilection for purple, I do not like it on my toe.
What are you going to do about it?
According to the internet, it will probably heal on it’s own; however, they don’t have a page for both hammer and broken. You can read about broken or hammer, but not broken hammer. Ice, ibuprofen and elevation are the answers. None of which are conducive to spending time on the computer. Well that’s not entirely true, it’s only the ice and elevation that will inhibit my proclivity for spending time here.
Are you whining?
Yes, I’m such a baby when it comes to pain, and quite ruffled by not being able to do exactly what I want, when I want. Hmmm… I’m not only a baby, but a spoiled baby as well. Curses and claws, maybe that’s what I should read about – claw hammers.
“When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”
–Franklin D. Roosevelt