Fixing stuff, myself included…
Oath Update
But, you never finished telling us about Mr. Potatoehead’s eyes?
The fact that Mr. Potatoehead had too many eye’s is “linked” to not always accomplishing what one sets out to do.
He had so many eyes that just crossing the room made him very dizzy, but after rolling on the therapists rug some of his eyes were permanently closed, and he found it much easier to maneuver. In other words, it’s much easier to focus on one thing, if you only have two eyes.
Haven’t you heard of the third eye?
Yes, and you have a point, but what is it? Never mind, I’ll tell you what I think about third eyes. If I have one, it’s not open. It’s one of those things on the shelf that I’d like to believe in, but don’t. Maybe I should take that back, because on reflection the theory may be similar to what I mean when I refer to being lucid in waking life.
I thought lucidity had to do with dreaming.
Well it does, but consider the fact that much of the time we spend awake, we are not present, or not aware. Many moments pass “mindlessly” by. To be “caught in the act” means more than what first comes to mind.
Such as?
Try trapped or ensnared, and think of the act as anything you happen to be doing. If you are a lucid dreamer think of it this way: are you aware of the doing while doing, in the same way that within the dream you realize you are dreaming? Perhaps “ordinary life” is like “ordinary dreaming”.
Why are you always talking about awareness?
Why bother to live without it? Awareness can sometimes be scary; although putting my finger on why is difficult. Maybe what’s more scary is the idea of how much of life slips by when I’m not completely present.
What’s this got to do with the oath?
According to my calculations, I should be finishing 4 paintings a week in order to have twelve new ones by the 23rd. This week I’ve only managed to do two. How does awareness fit into this process? It’s in the doing, it’s in the eyes of the potato, it’s in the way I go about it, or get diverted from it.
I’m not sure I’m following you.
It might be better, if you didn’t. However, if you must know, I’ve been distracted by other concerns (too many eyes) this week. I would just like to make sure that whatever it is I’m doing, I’m fully/lucidly doing it. I’m present rather that caught in the act.
“Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, other, new insights begin.”
—Hermann Hesse