Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…


I think I finished another painting; so it’s on to number 4. The one I just finished is two fairly large cowrie shells (same ones I used in the red pepper painting) on a gold reflective surface. I need to put it in the sun to dry, and look at it tomorrow with fresh eyes to see if I’m really finished. I’ll post one of the two latest on the web on Monday.

Hmmm… sounds like you’re behind schedule.

Yeah, quite a bit behind actually, but I’ve got some other things going on at the same time. I’ve heard from one of my two other readers on the thesis = “well done” and slight change to references format. One more reader to hear from, and then it’s really over! I can’t count the number of times I’ve thought it’s almost over, but this is really it, unless of course I’ve made some horrendous analyltical mistake that is chewed over at the last moment. Seem like the boat trip up north is slipping away = more and more I’m hearing, “well let’s just play it by ear”; however, will make it to Boston somehow this summer.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”