Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Oaths Online Revisited


If you’re new here see this, if not, you know what I’m talking about.

What’s the status?

I only managed to fulfill one third of my promise; in other words 4 paintings by the twenty third. However, I’m not disheartened by the slim number. In fact I’m starting a new one today.

But how come you only finished 4?

As my mother would say, “too much going on at the depot.” On monday I turned in my final 4 copies of the thesis for my readers to sign off on. Hmmm, again the number 4, now if I were a gambling girl I’d play that one. Maybe it’s 423, or 234, or whatever. Speaking of numerology, the car broke on Friday the 21st = summer solstice.

The car broke?

Specifically the adjustable bracket that holds the alternator in place broke. It’s still broke, because finding parts for a seventeen year old car takes time. How much time you might ask, they tell me they’ll have the part tomorrow. I sure hope so, because it’s hard for my friend Abbott to walk to PJ’s for happy hour. Abbott is the guy I told you about a while back with the heart problems. I know that heart pills and happy hour don’t mix, but try telling a guy who’s been drinking for 60 years that you shouldn’t drink anymore. NOT listening is what you get.

How did we get from oaths to happy hour?

I’ve made some of my best oaths at happy hour; that’s also where I try to come up with the Tuesday Too questions on Monday night. Yesterday Abbott gave me a good scare. Since the car is broken, Abbott started off to PJ’s on foot about 10 minutes ahead of me, because he walks so slowly. I followed the same route he normally takes, which BTW goes past Memorial Hospital. I did not see him on the way. When I arrived at PJ’s he wasn’t there. Everyone asks “where’s Abbott?” and I say, “I thought he be here already”. I order my drink, and after another 10 minutes goes by, I start to worry. I decide I’d better call his daughter who lives nearby. I’m thinking he’s either at the hospital, or he went to Rocky Run instead of PJ’s. I won’t go with him to Rocky Run, because Meg the bartender is what they call a “slim pourer”, meaning if you drink vodka, you might as well be paying 3 dollars for a glass of water! Ten more minutes go by, and Abbott’s daughter is driving around looking for him when he finally shows up. He says he was walking over here all that time. hmmm, I say, “are you sure you didn’t go to Rocky Run?” “Nope, just walking over here.” I say, “let me see that twenty dollar bill then.” He says, “how do you know I didn’t have two of them?” We laugh, and I’m relieved he’s okay, get his daughter on the phone and call off the alert. So how did you spend your Saturday evening?


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”