Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Tuesday Too # 18

Tuesday Too1.) When was the last time your pet gave you a scare? What happened? If you’re not a “pet person”, how come?

Last night, I couldn’t find Elliott anywhere. We have a rule about closing the inner door before opening the outer door, because last week wild boy Elliott managed to get out of the house. He is not an out door cat. I say to myself, as I’m trying to go to sleep, “he’s hiding somewhere”. NOT, I get up and look all over the house again, and he’s nowhere. Even though I know he can’t be outside, I go out and start calling him. There he is outside again, but how? On the second floor of the house is the one and only air conditioner, the kind with little plastic slats on each side that slide up to the edge of the window frame. He broke right through one side, and somehow jumped or climbed down the ivy two floors without hurting himself. He’s used up two of his nine lives in the last two weeks, which I told him was totally unacceptable!

2.) How do you think the things that you think, in other words what do you think consciousness is?

That’s a pretty damn big question girl for a Tuesday! How should I know what it is, or where it resides? I think maybe you’ve had one hot flash too many! Ahaha, maybe therein lies a clue, it is certainly all consuming when one lives in it. For me that’s the key issue, living in it, rather than what it is. Trying to figure out what it is, is a little like trying to turn around quick enough to see yourself.

3.) Taking off from last Tuesday’s question # 3, check this out: Women’s Treaty, and do something about it. If you don’t live in the United States, check out the position of your country on the treaty. Thanks to Elaine for her post on the treaty.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”