Fixing stuff, myself included…
Winds of Fortune
All spring I was looking forward to sailing up to Cape Code, with my parents on their boat. NOT happening.
What’s so bad about that?
Coming to terms with the fact that my parents will not be able to take long trips on their boat anymore, and what that really means. What it really means is that the quality of life is sometimes beyond your/their control. Maybe it’s not exactly the quality of life; it’s the loss of the ability to live life to the fullest. I know this already in small ways. For example, I spent the last several days painting a house, humping a big ladder around, climbing up and down, and painting this and that. I’m definitely not as fast as I was at thirty or even forty. Once in awhile I look in the mirror, and say “who is that?” And for God’s sake keep those magnifying mirrors away. I will tell you straight off; I am not a vampire. You do not need to test me. Vampires live forever, or so the legend goes. All Anne Rice fans know, not only are they attractive, but quite lovable as well.
Sailing to vampires?
More precisely sailing to living forever. I won’t, you won’t and most significantly they won’t live forever.
Duh, we know this already.
I know you know, and I know I know, but I forget to remember. Is it a short term memory deficit, or is it a short term memory device for escaping the program? Perhaps it’s like living with your fingers on Ctrl Alt Del.
“Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough.”
–George Bernard Shaw