Fixing stuff, myself included…
Tuesday Too # 15
1.) Is there a goal, or something you value highly that a simple time commitment would put within your reach? What is it? Why is it important to you? If it’s a high school, or college degree that is of the utmost importance to you, why is it significant beyond the obvious reason (i.e. job)?
I know, I know, a time commitment is not always simple, but if you don’t make whatever it is you’re after important enough to spend time on it just won’t happen. My answers are in the last post.
2.) Why haven’t you done this already? If you’re already working towards it, tell us about a particularly difficult hurtle.
3.) Be realistic. How much time can you comit towards making it happen?
Post your URL in the comment
“With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.”
–Chinese Proverb
Blogging Hiatus?
I’m finding that I spend more time these days blogging then playing with flash, programing or design.
Now that’s just got to be BS.
Well, I guess you’re right in the sense of the actual amount of time spent on blogging, although if I include time spent reading other’s blogs… Maybe I mean, it’s about spending creative energy. While hopping around reading answers to last week’s Tuesday Too. Sara @ sheherazade answered the question, “Who would you like to spend the afternoon/evening questioning?” with a negative. Her response included, “…not the cruel Psychic Revealer.” It made me realize that I haven’t fooled around with, any new flash designs for months!
So you’re blaming this on blogging?
It’s really a combination of things, and if I’m honest with myself, I’d have to say that I sometimes put flash, design and programing ahead of painting. Maybe the real issue concerns keeping my own priorities straight; in other words paying attention to my hierarchy of priorities. Perhaps I need a day or two of reflection, or it could be that I need a good whack on the behind, to do the things I love/fear the most. For months I used “the thesis comes first” as a reason not to paint. It should be noted, that during that time I still managed to blog, and produced two flash designs and a new navigation interface. Could it be that I’m just looking for a new whipping [toy] in order to justify my slim productivity?
Where is this going?
I’d really like to have a show of my paintings. I have nine that I would consider good enough at the moment. If I can actually allow/induce myself to spend 4 or 5 hours a day painting, I should be able to produce a dozen more in a matter of weeks.
So why don’t you?
I don’t know; there is no reason not to do it. Okay, or alrighty then, today is June 2nd; so I’ll say: “by June 23rd, I will have produced 12 new paintings.” OMG oaths online now that’s scary. What an idea; could be the next…
“Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it’s hard to get it back in!”
–H.R. Haldeman
Baltimore Bloggers
Going to a BBQ tonight hosted by two of the Baltimore Bloggers; whahoo put some faces to the blogs. Thanks Dean and Amy.
What else is on your plate?
I have to hobble around on my broken toe, and glaze some windows I prepared last week. I do not feel like doing this, but I need the money. Damn car insurance is due, so since I intend to keep driving, I’d better get a move on.