Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Tuesday Too # 19

Tuesday Too1.) What do you find most troubling about your way of life? If your life is carefree please give me a hint, which has nothing to do with winning the lottery.

My ability to Rube Goldberg/jerry-rig, or close my eyes to anything and everything that breaks is a constant contributor to a staggering house of cards.

2.) What is your prescription (non psychotropic), or outlet for dealing with stress and anxiety?

Vodka and meditation are my top contenders in the stress reduction department. One or the other depending on my state of mind, and sometimes depending on the time of day. I do not allow myself to drink vodka before the sun passes over the yardarm.

3.) What’s the real reason you get up every morning?

On the silly side, because I love my first cup of coffee in the morning. On the serious side of the bed, it’s because I’m excited about the possibilities that lay before me. I’m going to be doing this, or accomplishing that thing I’ve been wanting to do. On rare occasions the real reason I get up is because, I’m gripped by the miracle of being alive. Those are the best days. Those are the days worth hanging around for.

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“The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”

–Ben Franklin


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”