Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Off line Tales

ElliottOf course, Elliott created havoc for Abbott. The first relatively minor incident (more trouble for Abbott than Elliott) occurred on the first night I was away. Elliott was nowhere to be found. Abbott searched the house many times without success. Elliott was softly singing high above the kitchen counter, peering out from an upper cabinet. In fact the cabinet is so high up, you need a ladder to reach it. Abbott is partially deaf, and thus was unaware of the kitty cat soprano singing up above his head, as he paced the kitchen wondering how he was going to explain the loss of Elliott. Finally in desperation he called his daughter, asking her to help him search the premises. And remember I said softly singing; Elliott has a very tiny voice. After completing another search of the house, the two stood in the kitchen considering what might have happened and what could be said? Apparently, at that very moment Elliott decided to give one more demonstration of his singing ability, and was thus rescued from his 6 hour perch.

What else happened?

I’ll have to tell you later; gotta run. My off line life is way out of hand.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”