Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Tuesday Too # 22

Tuesday Too1.) Do you think pornography is dangerous? Why, or why not?

I find this a tough question, because on the one hand, I’m against censoring, but on the other hand I find sites which promote rape as porn quite frightening. I can’t open my internet mail without at least one porn solicitation waiting for me to click. They send mail to whoever; of course there’s the, “Don’t Enter the Site, if You’re Under 18!”. Excuse me, but the sites don’t know how old I am if I click on enter. I thought about snuff films. Do they lead to more snuff films, and then I found this on the Skeptical Inquirer. Even though I respect their logic, I’m not sure about this one.

I find the world of instant information fantastic, but it’s still the beginning of this new world, and we don’t know the consequences down the road, or just around the corner. Hmmm… I guess it was such a tough question that I can’t really answer it completely. I don’t think that’s because I’m a fence sitter; I think it’s because all the evidence is not in. However, I will say that I think it’s dangerous for children who don’t understand what relationships are about.

2.) What do you think about people being held in jail without charges, without access to a lawyer, or a phone call for an indeterminate period of time?

See this!

3.) How do you feel about this US program?

Very scary. It makes me glad I don’t look like I’m from the middle east, and I wonder who they’ll want to know about next month/year/decade?.

Post your URL in the comment.

“When I retire I’m going to spend my evenings by the fireplace going through those boxes. There are things in there that ought to be burned.”

–Richard Milhous Nixon


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”