Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…


What groove?

Groove Workspace, which is highly encrypted (not easily hacked) desktop software for file sharing and collaboration. My brother is writing the security white paper for Groove. Files can be updated/changed/shared immediately by anyone within your selected group. The personal trial version allots you 3 share spaces, which means you can share whichever files you choose with three other computers/people. The purchase version allows you an infinite number of share spaces.

Why would I want it?

I don’t know, but I can tell you why I want it. Art Attack Central is a partnership; I do the design work and my partner does writing/content development. First, rather than sending updates/changes via email, we can instantly share/work on the files when both of us are online. Secondly, if I make changes to a files we are sharing, my partner’s files will be immediately updated when she gets online, and she will be alerted to changes made on those particular files.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

–Arthur C. Clarke


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”