Fixing stuff, myself included…
Why Me?
Why not?
Because, it’s just too much for one person to deal with.
What’s too much to deal with?
The whole idea of doing all the things that I’ve got to do. Such as, pick up the Sunday news papers (the New York Times and the Washington Post), go get the car, which I left in Charles Village last night, take a shower, shave my legs, finish the painting, post the thesis abstract, paint a house, clean the litter box, buy more cat food, walk a dog, get rid of all the ivy destroying the bricks on the house, clean the gutters, fix the window, etc., etc., etc.
So, why are you whining?
Where’s the sex? Where’s the good stuff? I need to change the way I’m seeing things this morning. My perspective is skewed, and I feel fat. In order to lose weight I must stop drinking, and I don’t want to. Thus I will continue to feel fat. Fat and happy would not be a bad compromise, considering the lengthy list above. I’m whining, because I feel like it.
Short Post
Out of cigarettes and coffee creamer, and off to the Farmer’s Market on 33rd Street.
When you get back, would you finally tell us something important? You know, like when was the last time you had great sex?
I’ve been holding my breath for awhile now; so you’d better not expect an answer on that one. At least not today anyway.
Making Plans
I’m going to Boston, and I’ll be meeting Leah and Eve in the flesh for the first time on Saturday the 13th. We’re going to the Boston Bloggers picnic; how cool is that? Way cool!
How come you’re asking your own questions?
Possibly I’m not thinking straight, or it could be that once again it’s time for brain realignment. Sometimes the cells fire before the gap is open.
“We are confronted with insurmountable opportunities.”
Homicidal Coffee
The large cup of coffee was perched precariously on top of the bookshelf. Steam curled over his lip, as he spoke softly into his cell phone, repeating his password as if it were a mantra. The lovely young bedpost on the other end of the line sighed, and hoped he wouldn’t slip up this time. Coffee was known around town for his slip ups, and most recently for spilling his guts to the detective in the 5th precinct. He’d been seen in Fells Point, not more than 10 minutes before old Cookie was knocked off. Cookie was a crumb; everybody knew that, and Coffee had threatened him more than once. Cookie’s body was found in the nick of time; a moment longer and all trace of him would have gobbled up by the…
I now know, thanks to Chad and Rich that I share rising criteria with a Homicide guy. How appropriate that it was filmed in and chronicles the crimes of Charm City (Baltimore).
Friday Bogger problems = Error 104:java.lang.NullPointerException (server:leap)
Server leap? What the hell is that? Something like “one potato, two potato”, or “red rover, red rover we dare whatshername over”? Can’t publish my new post; so going back one to see if this will publish.
Tuesday Too # 19
1.) What do you find most troubling about your way of life? If your life is carefree please give me a hint, which has nothing to do with winning the lottery.
My ability to Rube Goldberg/jerry-rig, or close my eyes to anything and everything that breaks is a constant contributor to a staggering house of cards.
2.) What is your prescription (non psychotropic), or outlet for dealing with stress and anxiety?
Vodka and meditation are my top contenders in the stress reduction department. One or the other depending on my state of mind, and sometimes depending on the time of day. I do not allow myself to drink vodka before the sun passes over the yardarm.
3.) What’s the real reason you get up every morning?
On the silly side, because I love my first cup of coffee in the morning. On the serious side of the bed, it’s because I’m excited about the possibilities that lay before me. I’m going to be doing this, or accomplishing that thing I’ve been wanting to do. On rare occasions the real reason I get up is because, I’m gripped by the miracle of being alive. Those are the best days. Those are the days worth hanging around for.
Post your Url in the comment.
“The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”
–Ben Franklin
Finding A Balance
A balance between too hot and too cold, too much or too little, between being all there and nowhere, between you and me, and me and them. Who to let in, and who to keep out, and how far to let someone in, or how far to go out?
What are you talking about?
I’m not sure really, and it’s time to go for happy hour to hopefully think up tomorrow’s questions, get a bite to eat and relax. For some reason I keep remembering a book I read along time ago “The Incredible Lightness of Being” which I think must be read again. The few books besides thesis related books that I’ve read in the last couple of years were mysteries, while I thoroughly enjoyed them my diet of late is lacking meat.