Fixing stuff, myself included…
What addiction?
Ebay has become if not an addiction, at least a nagging obsession. It all began last Wednesday, after a late party primary night out with the Schaefer people at Pier 5 in Baltimore. I got up early wednesday, and started thinking about what I really wanted. It also happened to be September 11th.
What does September 11th have to do with it.
I watched television; the events that unfolded a year ago were brought up to the surface again. I felt small to be thinking that I wanted something. I suffered only the images; I lost no one that I knew personally, not in the World Trade Center, nor in the Pentagon, nor in the Pennsylvania field. I lost only a world view; a world view ironically not held by most of the world. Now my perspective is much more in sync with the rest of the world. I’m not safe. I am vulnerable to attack at any moment from those I know not. It is something I know, but don’t/won’t live with in the moment, which is not to say I’ve stopped living in the moment.
So, did you still want something?
Yes, I wanted something for my artist/design self. I wanted a digital camera, a good one, a cheap good one. Now we know that cheap and good are not synonymous, and with that in mind I decided that ebay was my best option.
How did ebay get the best of you?
Well, I’m still not sure who got the best of who; however, if you search for digital camera, thousands of items come up. After reading descriptions and viewing images on about 50 pages, I settled on a 3.3 mp Olympus C-3000 zoom as what I really wanted. None of them seemed to be going, going, gone for less than $300.00 dollars. There were at least 10 of them with various time left in the auction. I bid on one at $215, but was quickly out bid, and it ended up going for $340.00. I started narrowing my search to the “buy now category,” which means you can have it for the price listed until a bid is put on it, after which this option disappears. I found one within my price range, a display model with scratches on the LCD screen and no batteries. I pushed the “buy now” button with trepidation and much hesitation.
What were you worried about?
The seller only accepts money orders or certified checks. Ebay only insures your money back on fraud up to $175.00. I could lose some money and have nothing; however, the seller while not a “power seller” looks good. He/she has high ratings from other buyers. I sent off the money order on Friday the 13th! aaaaaacccccccccccck
Where’s the additction?
Now I find myself cruising ebay in search of cheap batteries, and other asunder things. I could be blogging. I could be painting, but instead I’m searching for deals. I’ll let you know if, and when I actually receive the coveted camera.
“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history – with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.”
–Mitch Ratliffe