Fixing stuff, myself included…
The Old Fashioned Way
Yup, making money “the old fashioned way” once again, which for me means painting houses.
I thought you said you were sick of that?
hmmm… yes it’s true. I’ve said that, but my life sometimes seems such a mish-mash of things in the wings, that painting is an easy stop gap solution. In all likelihood, there are too many stop gap solutions in my life. And no, I’m not depressed. I’m just reflecting on my problem solving techniques, and I see that they need an injection of creativity.
So, can you come up with a creative solution?
I’m working on it. I’m also struggling with my landscape painting class. Painting on location is a whole different thing, than painting in the studio. Yes, it green over there, but several greens, and is it lighter here, or over there? The light changes so fast; after 2 hours, you might as well put your canvas away, pull out a new one, and start another painting. In fact, this is exactly what we do, a morning painting and an afternoon painting. We spend two days at each location. I NEED that digital camera, which hasn’t arrived yet! A call to CA is in my plans for this evening, as in, “like where’s the camera? Have you shipped it yet? Did you get the $?” Perhaps it will miraculously arrive today.
“History is a vast early warning system.”
–Norman Cousins