Fixing stuff, myself included…
No Posts
Yes the lack of posts lately is frightening; however, I have been so busy with updating the political web site that artattackcentral designed that I can’t seem to find the time to turn around. In fact I can’t seem to tell the difference between my ass and my elbow. I’m sure there’s a test for this somewhere.
So where is this site?
It’s right here. This particular primary race appears to have overshadowed even the race for governor, because of the way Glendening has gone about “supporting” Willis. If you’re really interested in this check out the media page on the site.
What do you hope to gain from this endeavor?
Why fame and fortune of course. Not really, but I do hope to make artattackcentral more visible, and ultimately more profitable.
“Wit is educated insolence.”
Tuesday Too # 28
1.) What, is it Tuesday again?
Please state your question again; the logic is somewhat fuzzy.
Okay then, what is the day most likely to be if yesterday was Monday?
Tuesday of course, and it will be Tuesday all day long.
2.) Now here’s a real question for you. What is the most important/significant thing that you have on your plate today? And no I don’t mean spinach or potatoes; I mean nuts and bolts.
3.) Ask me anything you’d like to know, and I just might tell you, or I might not.
4.) Is the Tuesday Too person losing her mind?
I don’t mind, do you? But, then again I must remind you that the answer is all in your head. And with that in mind, who could tell?
5.) Is this the end of the Tuesday Too?
Anything is possible.
Post your URL in the comment, or don’t
“The longer one lives, the more one realizes that nothing is a dish for every day.”
–Norman Douglas.
Where was the Testzone?
Out floating in cyber server space; it still existed. You just couldn’t access it.
Well I told you a while ago that I had to “pay up” or find another host, because barrysworld was no longer going to provide free hosting. I got so busy with the political web site tweaking the last few days; I forgot about blogging, and the Testzone was sucked down the vortex. I never was able to find a free host that offered php, and decided to pay for barrysworld services. It was an opps thing.
So now that it costs you money, are you going to blog more often?
Maybe, but most likely not.
“I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.”
–Pablo Picasso