Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Who’s Saving Time?

And by the way, just where are they saving it? Although, I’m glad it’s now gloriously bright at 7:30; I dread the darkness that will now descend at 5 PM. This reminds me, why do they make capsules shaped the way they are? Why do they (those madcap capsule inventors) think the capsule will go down vertically; invariably the damn thing turns and goes down horizontally trying to lodge itself in my throat.

I thought you were going to wrap up yesterday?

Yesterday’s gone. Hmm… it’s a day of song lyrics, like saving time in a bottle.

Are you in a good mood?

I can’t tell yet; when I woke up, I didn’t think so, but now maybe so. And just what are moods anyway?

I thought I was the one asking the questions?

Too bad; I’m taking over. When I was much, much younger we had mood rings, and it was easy to tell what mood you were in. Mood awareness groups sprang up like mushrooms in the basement. Before long the government stepped in and outlawed mood rings; they were afraid that people aware of their own mood swings would rock the established order, which tended to run in the middle.

I’ve never heard of that.

I’m sure there are lots things you’ve never heard of.

Are mood rings still illegal?

Well yes, but old moodies gather under various disguises and change moods when no one is watching.


Didn’t you ever see a Star Trek episode with shape sifters in it? It’s exactly like that, only much, much better.

It’s impossible for something to be exactly like, and different at the same time.

Ahhhh, but the world of moods is full of surprises.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.”

–Albert Einstein


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”