Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Defining Feeling

Is that a question, or a topic?

It’s a state of mind. Perhaps it’s rather more like a mind wrapper. A bit like the wallpaper on your computer screen; changing the wallpaper does not change the system itself in any way.

Oh come on; feelings are more than wallpaper.

Do you like the idea of gift wrapping paper better? Furthermore, I said like wallpaper; not that they are wallpaper. It’s a reference. Maybe we could make another analogy using screen savers.

I don’t think so; my feelings have nothing to do with screen savers.

But the face/mask/persona we present to the world is really quite a bit like a screen saver. The screen saver masks the “sleeping” computer in the same way our persona covers our “real selves”. Real selves which have feelings. Sometimes we retreat from ourselves; perhaps from fear, or fatigue, or insert whatever here, and up comes the face we show to the world.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”