Fixing stuff, myself included…
Tuesday Too
1.) What’s the longest time you’ve gone without posting an entry in your blog/journal? What was or is the reason behind your dry spell?
It appears to be this week, where one Tuesday Too follows another. Ironically it’s the one year anniversary of this blog; when I began writing here, I was going to post at least once a day. Well, this is post 210, and that means I’m a wee bit behind. But, what about the one week dry spell, as in how come? My mother would say, “there’s just too much going on at the depot.”
2.) Are you “going over the river and through the woods” for thanksgiving, or is the gang coming to your place? Perhaps you have something to be particularly thankful for this year. What is it?
I’m “going over the river and through the woods.” I’ll be preparing thanksgiving dinner with my mother; I’m thankful that she and my dad are still here, and quite capable of running their own lives. Referring back to question one: I’ve been trotting back and forth to Annapolis this week, because my father had a knee replacement. Ouch.
3.) All those bumper stickers that say, “I’d rather be…”, what does yours say?
Now that question reminds me that Eden had some stickers on her site. Where are they Eden? I couldn’t find them this morning. Mine would say, “I’d rather be fooling around,” which leaves me open to just about anything.
Post your URL in the comment.
“Today, if you are not confused, you are just not thinking clearly.”
–U. Peter