Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Moving Day

Four packers (no not Greenbay) spent the better part of yesterday packing the rest of my parents belongings. I’ve never been moved professionally (you know what I mean); instead of taking the drawers out of a dresser, loading the dresser in the truck, and reinserting the drawers, everything in the drawers must be packed in boxes. No more time for, “do I really need that,” or “do you think so and so would like this.” Thus there will still be many decisions to be made on the other end. The older you get, the harder it is to move, and it’s not just that you’ve accumulated more, although that appears to be true. The apartment within the retirement community is really quite nice, but it’s the last apartment. When you’re on the up side of age, you move into larger and larger places, but on the down side of age, the places are smaller and smaller. Shortly I will shut down this computer, unplug all the wires from various devices, and try to remember where each one returns to later this afternoon. Hmmm, I think I better make a diagram. And I think I’d better start pruning my own belongs.

Lab Rat updated


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”