Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Talking To Myself

Sound advice! yes, absolutely that’s what I need.

Advice about what?

How to get out of the writer’s/painter’s slump, I appear to have gotten mired in. Perhaps it’s because I’ve stopped talking to myself, or maybe it’s a matter of not pushing myself to do it. If I were my therapist, I would say, “snap out of it.” No, that’s what my mother would say. Where in the world does a phrase like, “snap out of it” come from? To snap out of is to recover from. Then there is snap as in “that was a snap,” or “old so and so just snapped; she’s as crazy as a loon.” Hmmm… if you take the s from the beginning, and put it at the end you have naps. One who naps does not easily snap.

Where is this going?

It’s going forward, while I paint/write myself out of this corner. Just putting fingers to keys has a way of reforming my mental image. I can almost see me putting brush to canvas. The focus becomes sharper. It is always the case that if you don’t make time to do it, you won’t. Now I know that seems pretty damn simple, but one can spend a lifetime only wishing to do the things that are important; waiting for the right time, or any time. Three kinds of time in the last sentence. What time is it?

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

— George Eliot


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”