Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

How often do you read your archives?

Why do you ask?

While involved in tweaking my archives to look relatively alike in Netscape 4x, IE and Mozilla I started following the links. It appears that about 1 in 3 in the older archives (over a year ago) don’t work anymore (no such URL), or the domain has been sold, and the information is no longer relevant. A year’s worth of posts is quite a bit to deal with. Do I scrap the archives, forget about the “broken” links or update the links? I must confess that the archives I usually read on other’s sites are some of the oldest, because I’m curious about how someone got started blogging, and what issues are/were important to them. Some say that people don’t change, but I think they do. We change in subtle ways that sometimes we aren’t even aware of.

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”