Fixing stuff, myself included…
Up early
Net. 4x not looking too bad, and almost like IE. However, to make it look exactly alike, I would be defeating the purpose of CSS. So, you Net. 4x folks really aught to consider upgrading your browsers. I know some businesses still only have Net. 4 installed, and that’s why I continue to make the effort required to provide a page with a similar look for all browsers. Dummying down the CSS is not the answer. One of the Net. 4x fixes/work around I stumbled across, while reading various CSS tutorials takes advantage of a Net. 4x parsing error. By enclosing those pieces of code causing problems between /*/*/ and /* End */ Anything between will be ignored by Net. 4x. I’ve republished all the archive files with the new template, and there are still a few bugs to tweak. The pages definitely load much faster without the graphic bloat, but I miss the funky look. Perhaps this is not the finished redesign, but rather a step on the way. Last week I finished up the design of my brother’s web site Rosenberry Associates Inc. Maybe Art Attack Central needs a facelift as well.