Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Tuesday Too Tuesday Too

1.) Do you know about GeoURL? Check it out to find your neighbor’s blog, or the web page of a restaurant near you. Find your house with a satellite photo map, and put your self in the database if you’re so inclined.

I haven’t added mine yet, because the whole idea spooked me; maybe I’m just a wee bit paranoid?

2.) How many times have you redesigned, or chosen a new template for your blog/journal, and are you content with your current look?

Only once, and I’m content enough not to fool with it for quite some time.

3.) From The New York Times February 11, 2003: “…The federal appeals court in St. Louis ruled yesterday that officials in Arkansas can force a prisoner on death row to take antipsychotic medication to make him sane enough to execute. Without the drugs, the prisoner, Charles Laverne Singleton, could not be put to death under a United States Supreme Court decision that prohibits the execution of the insane.” The prisoner referred to was convicted of murder, and sentenced to death for in 1979. You’ve probably already heard about this, but what do you think/feel about it?

This is a difficult topic, and I’m almost tempted to delete the question, because I have more questions than answers for this. Was he insane when he committed the murder, and if so why wasn’t he found not guilty because of insanity? However, even if he was not insane then, but now is, it seems to me there is something fundamentally wrong with using medication to enhance the mind, in order to end it. On the other hand…

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“Designated driver, on the information highway.”