Fixing stuff, myself included…
1.) What’s your take on this article from the New York Times today?
“…Several privacy and security experts said that Mr. Kapor’s decision was significant and was indicative of the kinds of clashes between security and privacy that could become increasingly common.” (The New York Times, March 10, 2003) Mitchell Kapor is/was from Groove. I posted about the stability and security of Groove software not too long ago. I see his decision to resign as a flag/signal of the erosion of rights we take for granted. Somewhere Chad had a good post on rights, and just what are they anyway? If you are here Chad point to that post. Do I have a right to privacy? Do I have a chance to say I’d rather not give it up, even for the “good of the country?”
2.) Network television is swimming in “reality” shows. You are the creator of the latest show to hit the circuit. Give a brief description of your show. Sarcasm welcomed.
We’ve come full circle from Joe Millionaire to Married by America. I created Married to Dwarfs; a show full of enchantment and magical growth hormone injections.
3.) What do you really wish you were doing today?
I’d rather be painting. I’d rather be having a second cup of coffee, with cream which I’ve run out of.
“There’s a very fine line between a groove and a rut; a fine line between eccentrics and people who are just plain nuts.”
–Christine Lavin, Prisoners of their Hairdos
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