Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Something to get excited about

I dreamt last night of many blogger type tools, some of which already exist, and other which do not. The only thing is, this morning I can’t remember what they were. Yesterday I heard about a job opening with requirements that I meet, except that I don’t know anything about ASP driven sites. Well as my geekier friends know that’s a microsoft [thingamybobbie]. Oh, and excellent written communication is also a requirement.

And you’re going around saying thingamybobbie?

It’s microsoft, so it’s a bit complicated. I’ve taught myself Flash, Photoshop, HTML and taken classes in C and C++; however, it seems ASP development comes out of Visual Basic which I don’t know. One thing I’ve learned is there is a difference between ASP and ASP.NET. Anyway, enough of that. What I wanted to tell you was that my searching around on the web for ASP information is what I think led to dreaming about blogger tools/applications.

But who cares if you can’t remember them?

I’m hoping they might pop back into consciousness over the next few days, as I try to learn something about ASP using Dreamweaver MX.

Why Dreamweaver?

Because that’s what I have, and I think it’s comparable to Adobe GoLive, which is what was used to generate the existing site. Also, I don’t think it’s reasonable to figure I can get myself up and running on VB, in just a couple of days. However, if I spend some time on Dreamweaver I might be able to come off as knowing something about ASP.

What’s else is new?

I helped my friend Su set up her blog over the weekend; please stop over there and give her the “hi sign.”

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”