Fixing stuff, myself included…
The King of Hearts
I saw The King of Hearts yesterday. It’s probably been 20 years since I last saw this movie.
So what?
I posted (see post) not too long ago about feeling guilty that I had not taken a position on the war. The movie reminded me how insane war is, but can I take a position based on an old movie, set in World War I that’s based on fiction, not fact?
Why not?
I suppose there are some with less logical reasons, who insist one way, or the other. However, perhaps I should watch another film from “the other side,” before rendering my final verdict.
Can’t you just make up your own mind about it?
It’s the making up part that bothers me. And then as I read over this post I see the word remind. What the hell does that mean? re: mind? as in calling this to your attention? or re a prefix signifying back. Back of my mind all along, and I might add in back of what exactly? What is behind my mind?
Don’t you think we make everything up?
I think we are responsible for what has meaning in our lives. We imbue with meaning those things that are important to us, but as to how they became significant in the first place, I lose my place.
Yes I think you’ve lost your place alright; you’re veering off topic.
Not really, the topic is how, or why we “make up” our minds.
“One’s mind has a way of making itself up in the background, and it suddenly becomes clear what one means to do.”
–A. C. Benson