Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Tuesday TooTuesday Too

1.) Where do you stand on the eve of war, and why? If you wrote about this already, point to your post.

Recently (see post below) I’ve been struggling with not having a position, but leaning toward NO WAR. I do not want the United States to be the aggressor, but at the same time I’m frightened of doing nothing as dictator regimes arm themselves with powerful weapons. Then I ask myself, if it’s the weapons I/we are afraid of, why not North Korea? And “all it took” for 9/11 was a handful of men with box cutters? Yes I know, it seems I’ve always got more questions than answers. They are not actors; real people will be fighting and dying on both sides. FYI: are you interested in what Bill Clinton said today in the Guardian?

2.) Has your position caused arguments with friends or family?

No my position, or lack there of to firmly land on one side, or the other has not caused any rifts as of yet

3.) Is there some other issue that has you grinding your teeth? What is it?

The destruction of the victorian houses in my neighborhood to make room for a Giant.

“Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.”

–John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Post your URL in the comment.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”