Fixing stuff, myself included…
New Stuff
I’m adding my friend Susana’s site (Chimera Cucina) to my hot blogs list on the right. Go check out her “crazy kitty” and his mystical accoutrements. Cruising around reading the answers to yesterday’s Tuesday Too revealed folks in the middle, folks on one side, and folks on the other. I’m not surprised. One article I came across that very much captured my interest, and raised my question level is here from Julie.
What else is happening?
On Thursday I’ll be getting some pictures of ruins in Italy taken by a friend. I saw them last week, and I got very excited about using them for paintings. And speaking of ruins, the mayhem and destruction in my neighborhood continues at an astonishing rate. There is one last stand of 6 row houses still to come down on 33rd St. and that’s it. Soon what were once large homes with huge beautiful gardens running an entire city block will be the Giant and the parking lot.
I thought you said you were adding your friend to the list on the right?
Well maybe it’s time for me to do the blog roll thing, because I’m having a hell of a time trying to make that happen. I don’t think it’s me; I think it blogger having a fit for whatever reason. I’ll have to tackle this later. I’m also trying to change Julie’s Chaotic Neutral to it’s new name