Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Tuesday Too Tuesday Too

1.) Is the justice system in the US really fair? Why, or why not?

I’m reminded of an article I read recently in the The New York Times Sunday magazine section on the 4th District Circuit Court. The article was about 3 weeks ago, so it’s no longer available free online. The court was “painted” as ultra conservative. But that doesn’t necessarily make it unfair? If nine times out of ten this court rules (overruling lower court decisions including monetary awards by jury) on the side of business, or the state, then the process is at the very least skewed. While the country focuses on war, Bush will push through his nominations for even more conservative judges to replace those retiring from the 4th Circuit Court bench. But, you’re not talking about the Supreme Court. That’s true; however, most cases from the 4th circuit appealed to the Supreme Court are not accepted, and the 4th Circuit Court ruling stands.

2.) In a crisis are you a leader, or a follower? Why do you take that role?

I think it depends on the particular crisis. If I have knowledge that will facilitate/render a quick solution I will take charge. If I’m with someone I trust I might follow their lead rather then assuming the leadership role. Why? Hell, I don’t know, after all my degree is in psychology.

3.) Is there some reason for your madness? What is it?

Today “in my neck of the woods” it’s the glorious spring weather. Tomorrow it will probably be due to my sunburn.

“Justice is incidental to law and order.”

–J. Edgar Hoover

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“Designated driver, on the information highway.”