Fixing stuff, myself included…
What lists?
Things I want/need to do today/yesterday. For instance right here I want to add a set of links on the side bar to the Mr. Potatoehead Chronicles, and I want a link to a page that’s just my art work. In real life…
Real life?
You know that thing we do when we’re not on the computer. Now that I think about it much of my “real life” is spent on the computer. How much will i spend, as in at what cost today. I say that, because one of the other time consuming things on my to do list is redesigning/updating And, my painting another thing on my list, while unrelated directly to the computer, the image I’m working from is a photo enlarged, enhanced, cropped and printed on the computer.
Speaking of computer time, remember when I said if you put quotes around “pavlovian speakeasy” Google comes up with a big fat 0. Well that was 3 days ago. Yesterday I typed it in, and viola there it is with one result, me of course.
So why are telling us this?
It might be a heads up on a Tuesday Too question. Maybe it’s easy for you to come up with a two word (spelled correctly), in quotes combination that produces your site as the one result, or maybe it’s not. If it’s not, you’ll have to invent a combination, and it will take a day or two for google to pick it up. In that case, you’d better get started now, unless of course you don’t give a rats ass about failing the Tuesday Too.
And speaking of rats, that’s something else on the list: Lab Rat needs to be updated (see more computer stuff).
I thought Lab Rat was dead?
She’ll be brought back from the dead, just like a soap opera queen. The soy study sent me a letter stating they’re now accepting smokers into the study. I’ll let you know when Lab Rat catches her breath, and starts spinning her exercise wheel again.
Anything else?
I want to make a 5 min. movie with my digital camera, which I think means hooking together several 1 min. movies. I know nothing about how to do this, so here we go, more time on the internet seeking out information, and freeware programs. Perhaps I don’t have time for real life.
Are you going to do all this today?
Do you think I’m crazy? I’ll be lucky/pushing it to get it done this week.