Fixing stuff, myself included…
Shock and Awe
Michelle Shocked and Awe Dr. Phil. Medea Benjamin was also on this Dr. Phil show.
What do you mean by Awe Dr. Phil?
Awe as in, awe come on Dr. Phil, don’t pretend to defend the right to speak out, while not quite politely, and as a matter of fact rudely insisting that speaking/demonstrating against the war is helping the enemy. If that’s true we really aught to just go on and call them traitors, rather then calling you a fascist. But, let’s not get things [drawkcab].
I don’t get it yesterday you were making lists, and today you’re talking about fascism?
Sometimes, I get things backward. I saw this show on Friday afternoon. It’s the first time I ever watched this show, and I was so upset by his faulty logic I turned it off twice during his hour long debacle (transcript).
It’s not nice to say nasty things about Dr. Phil. Don’t you know lots of people adore him?
So what? I don’t take Dr. Phil pills. In my book he makes adore, as in a door stop.
“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”
–George Washington