Fixing stuff, myself included…
Tuesday Too
1.) When was the last time someone surprised you? What did they do?
It was last night; that’s really what made me think of the question. I was in a local bar, talking with a woman that I’ve had conversations with maybe 3, or 4 times prior to last night. I said, “that’s a beautiful sweater you’re wearing,” and later in the evening she took it off and gave it to me. Yes she had something on under the sweater! It was such an open, and trusting thing to do. I hesitated, and she insisted. I was genuinely surprised and pleased. Now I’m wondering what I might have that I can give to her. It must be something she will be pleased with.
2.) Alright then, it’s similar to a googlewhack, but different. You must come up with two words, spelled correctly and within quotes that google will produce only 1 result for, and that result must be your site. Unless you’re already a rather unusual wordsmith it might take you a couple of days for goolge to find a combination you invent and find no result for currently.
“pavlovian speakeasy”
3.) Give a link to the funniest site you’ve come across lately; it may or may not be a weblog.
The Onion
“If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today.”
Post your URL in the comment.