Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Cool Things

How cool? Are we talking refrigeration, or freezer?

We’re talking Siberia! A major Ph.D. dream researcher stumbled across my lucid dreaming site Mentalrollerderby, and has requested information on my research. At the blizzard level, I’ve finished redesigning Art Attack Central, and it’s looking “hot”.

Also I just designed a card for my my mother’s 80th birthday party.

Happy Birthday Mom

What’s on your plate for today?

It’s absolutely fabulous outside, but I’m thinking, work on my painting. Yes that’s what I’m gonna do. I was out of town last week doing some interior house painting for a friend in Princeton, NJ. Picking up my “real brushes” will feel good. However, my most recent painting is not looking like the vision in my head; so maybe I’ll start a new one.

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”