Fixing stuff, myself included…
Tuesday Too
1.) Are you trying out, or do you know anything about these new blogger [thingies]?
To tell the truth, I just found out about them today, but I do know the Dano platform has some new template tags.
2.) Have you tried other weblog systems that you would suggest that blogger folks switch to?
I really wanted to switch to Movable Type, but there’s some requirement other than PHP that my host server doesn’t provide.
3.) Lately it’s been reported there is so much spam filling the inboxs that people are going to stop using email. On average how much junk email do you get every day? Is it so much that you would consider giving up email? You could make up a funny sentence or two just using the email subject lines, if you’re really feeling creative today.
On average I receive 20 junk emails a day. It’s quite irritating, but no so irritating that I would give up email. I can’t give it up really, because my Art Attack Central email is essential to my business presence on the web.
Funny Email
“Dreams DO come true,” “I love working with you.” Even though “you’ve had trouble in bed,” in “five minutes a day, I give you what you want.”
Post your URL in the comment.
“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.”
–Aldous Huxley