Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Whew… just went through wordpress upgrade!

Yeah, I did it, and it appears that all is well.

If all is well, does that mean well is all like =?

Oh come on, you know what I mean. In “reality” I won’t know if all = well until I publish this post.

After that, well now wait a minute. It looks like when I type this post it doesn’t break at the end of the line and it dissapears under the boxes. Well maybe not. I also need to insert an image… hmmm, doesn’t offer to let me browse my computer. Only allows for URL. What’s up there?

Is the problem with TinyMCE Advanced?

Of course I'm psychic!

Of course I'm psychic! I'm Elliott...

Okay, I figured it out. Now it’s on to learning CMS once again using this new and glorified wordpress. I can do this! It’s a job, it’s fun, it’s time consuming, it’s money down the road, it’s quite doable.