Fixing stuff, myself included…
Yes, it looks really bad to me. Got some new ideas to put out there so…
Jezeopeezo, I am so all over the place the last few days! From checking out video podcasting to a redo of Art Attack. Who knows when that’ll happen really.
Here’s a graphic I’m fooling with in Photoshop for mouseover effects.
Mouseover, isn’t that old tired stuff; why do you want to trot that out one more time?
We’ll see, we’ll see… I don’t even know how much energy I can put into this right now.
Ask what?
What I’m doing here on a Sunday afternoon in June. The second longest day of the year, I might add.
Oh, go ahead and add it.
I just did for [cryinoutloud].
Looks like a storm is coming up; your computer’s getting too hot, and you better get off the internet!
Okay I’ll get off, but my computer’s really not getting too hot. It’s only reading 106.7 F and I’m not running the air conditioner. I do need to get a can of air and blow the dust out though.
Why don’t you post a picture for me?
Okay… let me see what I’ve got.
Well I did, but I see no indication of it here. Maybe after I post, it’ll show up?
Okay there it is. Had to go back and insert in post again.
Well… wordpress say updated. NOT anything about update my .htaccess file; however, server says not found? So trying with new post. Is that the difference? Also I want to see if the above file is generated and where it is.
trying to make it so…
now see if it stay? | Does seem to stay inplace so this could work |
move data around 3 lines at a time | but only if i can get it to work with my server what now |
okay then dana this might be okay to use we’ll just have to see. | cool now we see if it can sustain life in the ot zone or will it be a mess |
i do think this will be the answer
I can get it to work on the Godaddy severs, but not my own Apache server?
However, Dana will not be hosting her own site; so worry about my development platform later.
and more tweaking… Now that I managed to get a page looking more like what it should. No not this page the other one. I must somehow translate that look into a WordPress format and make it content manageable to the extent which is required, and only that extent.
That extent only – how come?
The layout and design of the page itself must be “protected” from inadvertent change, while allowing content change.
Oh my, how will you do that?
It’s a mystery that is more complex than I anticipated; however, I’m proceeding to unravel the secrets. Admittedly my progress is slow, but I will persevere and make it so.
Jezzopeezo and then some. What?
All in place, “just” have to figure out how to make it all work.
All what work?
I’ve got a plugin for forms and submissions, a plugin checking spam and a plugin for web/pod casting. Yes, I’ve managed to get them all installed; now I must figure out how to make them work properly, after which, I’ll worry about how it all looks on the outside. Dana when you get here, “pay no attention to the curtain. ” Right now it’s what’s going on behind the curtain that matters. I think it won’t be a problem to make it un-blog like looking.