Fixing stuff, myself included…
Yeah, I did it, and it appears that all is well.
If all is well, does that mean well is all like =?
Oh come on, you know what I mean. In “reality” I won’t know if all = well until I publish this post.
After that, well now wait a minute. It looks like when I type this post it doesn’t break at the end of the line and it dissapears under the boxes. Well maybe not. I also need to insert an image… hmmm, doesn’t offer to let me browse my computer. Only allows for URL. What’s up there?
Is the problem with TinyMCE Advanced?
Okay, I figured it out. Now it’s on to learning CMS once again using this new and glorified wordpress. I can do this! It’s a job, it’s fun, it’s time consuming, it’s money down the road, it’s quite doable.
Been fiddling with an HDTV (19″ Westinghouse), and I can’t get the damn thing to work!
What kind of fiddling?
Really fooling and fiddling around as in took the whole thing apart. On the main controller board I desoldered (using wick = small braided copper and a soldering iron) a 2200 uf 10v capcitor cap. And then soldered a new 2200 uv 16v in it’s place. First time soldering on circuit boards; it’s tedious and requires patience. You have to keep cleaning and re-tinning the iron while desoldering. That means you’ve got to cool the iron down once it becomes oxsidized. The oxsidation happens with air and heat sooo…. I took it apart again this morning; the second time was a “snap.” The first take-apart was blind = no diagrams, pictures, nutin! However I did wear my trusty anti-static wraist stap. My prior experience taking apart the G3 ibook was, if not a help at least a confidence builder. And, oh by the way soldering is harder than waving the heat gun around over the ibook video chip.
Where have you been? What have you been doing the last 6 months?
Too much to tell all; however, I can give you a brief rundown.
Don’t hit me with a car for God’s sake, and if you must please do be brief!
You did ask the question, and now you want to micromanage the answer?
Okay, Okay, say whatever you want.
Thank you. Here’s the list:
More on “mechanical” Mac fixes in next post.
Well… I just watched a 5 min. youtube video on darning socks.
Huh, whatever for?
My favorite kitty kat socks have a hole in one of the heels.
He’ll get you for that.
Wait a minute, I thought I was the one to make statements, and you just ask questions.
It’s a new day and a New Year; “change” was the big word for google in 2008. Sew…
I didn’t say so. I said darn.
Are we going to be having “word salad” for 2009?
Not entirely, and anyway you started it.
Yeah, it was my mother’s birthday on July 2nd; she died October 14, 2006. I miss her. Me, I’m going to be 61 pretty soon.
Boy is that weird or what?
Yes, very weird and or what too.
Successful Upgade of the WordPress install. Kind of a pain in the ass, but done.
Why are you fooling around here, instead of getting your Myspace account more up to date?
I really don’t want to deal with Myspace right now. It’s just one more “how do I configure this project?” and I’ve got this WordPress on Art Attack, the “Testzone” Blogger account floating around somewhere, Ann’s new Blog account to make right, and then there’s Facebook which I’m also ignoring at the moment.
Okay…, but what about Missy and the grandkids? The’re not using WordPress, Blogger or Facebook they’re on myspace!
I just can’t cope with Myspace right now. I need to update Art Attack, and I’m thinking I’ll use WordPress for the .com overhaul. So first things first.
Sounds like you’re having a blogging break down to me. Are you?
No, I have too many things in the air at once is all.