Fixing stuff, myself included…
Been fiddling with an HDTV (19″ Westinghouse), and I can’t get the damn thing to work!
What kind of fiddling?
Really fooling and fiddling around as in took the whole thing apart. On the main controller board I desoldered (using wick = small braided copper and a soldering iron) a 2200 uf 10v capcitor cap. And then soldered a new 2200 uv 16v in it’s place. First time soldering on circuit boards; it’s tedious and requires patience. You have to keep cleaning and re-tinning the iron while desoldering. That means you’ve got to cool the iron down once it becomes oxsidized. The oxsidation happens with air and heat sooo…. I took it apart again this morning; the second time was a “snap.” The first take-apart was blind = no diagrams, pictures, nutin! However I did wear my trusty anti-static wraist stap. My prior experience taking apart the G3 ibook was, if not a help at least a confidence builder. And, oh by the way soldering is harder than waving the heat gun around over the ibook video chip.